The wfst client application provides remote login, remote command execution, and WAN acceleration tunnels between the local machine and a remote machine running the wfstd service.  

All WANFast options can be specified on either the command line or in your WANFast configuration file.  On the command line, you can use either the short or long form of the option.  The short form is -F V, where F is the one-character option and V is the value (if required).  The long form is --option-name=option-value with no spaces between the name, '=', and value.  If the value includes spaces, such as for a path name, enclose the value in double quotes, --option-name="option value".  

When using an option in the configuration file, use the long form of the option without the leading "--".   In the configuration file it is OK to have spaces between the option name, '=', and value, and OK to have spaces in the value.  You can add a comment line to your configuration file by starting the line with '#'.

See Running Remote Commands or a Remote Shell for a more detailed explanation of WANFast's remote shell and command operation.  See WANFast Acceleration Tunnels for more information on creating acceleration tunnels.

SYNTAX: wfst [OPTIONS] [user@]hostname [command] [args]
        [-F ID    | --create-key-file=ID]     Create a keyfile [ID = hostname, IP, or email]
        [-M       | --import-key-file]        Import a keyfile [keyFilePath] [ID]
        [           --password=string]        Password for private key file, if required.
        [           --no-password]            Do not prompt for a password during key creation.
        [           --priv-key-bits=bits]     Number of private key bits to create [bits=int, default=2048].
        [           --dh-bits=bits]           Number of bits in Diffie-Hellman key exchange [bits=int, def=2048].
        [-y       | --accept-hosts]           Silently accept unknown hosts.
        [-L tspec | --local-tunnel=tspec]     Tunnel from local system to remote system [see tspec below]
        [-R tspec | --remote-tunnel=tspec]    Tunnel from remote system to local system [see tspec below]
        [-c       | --compress]               Compress all data transfers
        [-C       | --no-compress]            Do not compress any data transfers [default]
        [-k       | --auto-compress]          Automatically determine whether to compress
        [-z alg   | --compress-alg=alg]       Specify the compression algorithm [alg=string] See "-q c"
        [-e       | --encrypt]                Encrypt with the default algorithm [default]
        [-E       | --no-encrypt]             Do not encrypt
        [-n alg   | --encrypt-alg=alg]        Specify the encryption algorithm [alg=string].  See "-q e"
        [           --server-port=port]       Specify the WFST service port [port=int].
        [           --client-retries=int]     Number of times client retries failed connection.
        [           --tcp-keep-alive=int]     Set the keep-alive timeout used by all TCP connections
        [-p int   | --pool-size=int]          Size of connection pool [1-16]
        [           --ctl-pool-size=int]      Number of TCP connections in the command control pool
        [           --window-size=int]        WAN window size
        [-x MBPS  | --max-bandwidth=MBPS]     Max bandwidth per VC in mbps [MBPS=int].
        [-i path  | --identity-file=path]     Identity file path.
        [-A path  | --authorized-keys=path]   Specify the path to the authorized keys file
        [-f path  | --config-file=path]       Configuration file path.
        [-g path  | --log-file=path]          Log file path.
        [-D int   | --log-level=int]          Set log level.
        [           --priority=int]           Set daemon process priority (linux only).
        [           --no-fork-vc]             Do not fork a process for each VC [default]
        [           --config]                 Print the current configuration
        [-v       | --version]                Print the wfst version, details and credits.
        [-q c|e   | --query=c|e]              List the supported compression (c) or encryption (e) algorithms
        [-K       | --overwrite-ok]           Permit overwriting private/public key files
        [           --target-mode]            Client performs as server for a single session under your user id.
        [           --no-key-perms]           Do not verify permissions on key files
        [           --sync-reverse-conns]     Have wfstd initiate connections to wsyncr to help with firewalls
        [           --encrypt-key]            Encrypt a private key file. Use --of to specify output file
        [           --decrypt-key]            Decrypt an encrypted private key file. Use --of to specify output file
        [           --of=path]                Specify the output file for a private key encrypt/decrypt operation.

        tspec = src_port:host:tgt_port[:zN][:bN]

        where   src_port = port on originating host
                host     = IP address or domain name of target tunnel.  NOTE
                           that this is usually 'localhost' to terminate at peer
                tgt_port = port on tunnel target
                z        = optional pool size [N=int]
                b        = optional maximum bandwidth [N=int]

Try 'wfst examples' to see example commands